Brief Strategic Family Therapy
RFS is proud to offer Brief Strategic Family Therapy. BSFT® is an award-winning evidence-based practice that treats externalizing (e.g. substance abuse, acting-out, truancy, bullying) and internalizing (e.g. depression, anxiety) symptomatology in youth aged 6-18 years while restructuring problematic family interactions. The BSFT model is a trauma-sensitive, culturally competent, strength-based model.​​
BSFT interventions include:​​​
Counselors build relationships with family members to understand the family system.
Counselors observe family interactions to identify patterns associated with problem behaviors.
Counselors use reframes, tasks, & coaching to help families relate to each other more effectively.
Duration / Frequency
Sessions are scheduled weekly for 60-90 minutes, taking place in the home or office setting. BSFT is a short-term service with families participating for 3 - 6 months.
Who is eligible for BSFT?
BSFT is a family-based treatment program for youth ages 6-18 who are displaying or are at-risk for developing behavior problems, including early substance use, conduct problems, truancy, association with problem peers, and delinquency.